today little one you are unwell. your father scurries around and I find myself shoving my worry into corners while I act as mountain for both your floods. Your father is giving you his all but he doesn’t understand quite as well as I do. that’s normal at this age though, so no worries. I know I don’t. I’ve never seen a man love a woman like he loves you. I did you well, even though I will spend AT LEAST the next 13ish years yelling at both your soft spots.

And he does love you as a woman. he loves the brilliance he sees in you. the athleticism. he loves the humor, the questions, the weirdness, every aspect as you will grow into a beautiful woman who a whole human is. that’s what he loves and he fears he won’t be good enough or up to the task or you will misunderstand him.

but i am here to translate. I am here too.

as i love you as a woman. for your kindness, your compassion, your brilliance, and your capacity to be fucking whatever you need and want.

sleep deep in your unwell, little one. and know we are here to get you through anything and everything. on your side but honest and genuine for the sake of your experience alive.

i love you Aeris. We love you Aeris.

get well soon.